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Inspection Agreement    

The Inspection Agreement can be emailed to you (the client) for your signature. This service makes the process easy and hassle free!  After receiving the email, you simply click on the link provided, enter your email address, and the Home Inspection Agreement will pop up. You can then read it, check the box stating that you have read it, initial and sign the document and submit it. That's all there is to it! Click here to read the InsideOut Inspection Agreement.

Once you've decided to select InsideOut Properety Inspections to perform your home inspection, the next step will be to sign a home inspection agreement. If you like, the agreement can be emailed to you (the client) for your signature. This service makes the process easy and hassle free!  

After receiving the inspection agreement email, you would simply click on the link provided, enter your email address, and the home inspection agreement will pop up. You can then read it, check the box stating that you have read it, initial and sign the document,  then click "securely sign". That's all there is to it!

Of course if you prefer, we can get together in person, or I can send a hard copy of the agreement to you for signing. 

To see a copy of the InsideOut Inspection Agreement, click here.


For Realtors - Because it is not fair to hold a referring real estate agent liable or responsible for any action of a home inspector, there is a "Hold Harmless" clause in every Inspection Agreement with the client.